The following system frameworks are available for use in the Monobjc bridge:
- AVFountation
- Accounts
- AddressBook
- AppKit
- Collaboration
- CoreLocation
- CoreMIDI
- CoreMedia
- CoreWLAN
- DiscRecording
- DiscRecordingUI
- EventKit
- Foundation
- GLKit
- GameKit
- InputMethodKit
- InstantMessage
- OpenGL
- QTKit
- Quartz
- SceneKit
- ScriptingBridge
- Security
- SecurityFoundation
- SecurityInterface
- Social
- StoreKit
- WebKit
The following thirdparty frameworks are available for use in the Monobjc bridge:
- CorePlot
- Growl
- Sparkle
Each framework requires one native library to be loaded prior any use by the Monobjc bridge. Below, is the statements to use to load a framework; simply use its name:
// Load any required framework
ObjectiveCRuntime.LoadFramework("Foundation"); // <- Load the Foundation framework